Owelle Rochas For 2023 Nigeria Presidency

14 May

Owelle Rochas For 2023 Nigeria Presidency

This electioneering period shall test the sagacity, ability, capability and capacity of our people to change the political narratives of the old. People certainly indicate the operational waves of their leaders. The time is now for every electoral booth n ward to wage war against misrule; make every national, state, local n ward leader uncomfortable with the wealth they share among themselves. By unprecedented national integration of Owelle’s action to date, if the Nigerian citizenry will truly choose a President to preside over their affairs, there’s no other choice for Owelle. Owelle had paid enough dues as the conviction that he meant well to this country. What other convictions do a country need to spell her true name correctly that Owelle had not provided? It’s disgraceful n a shame to rediscover that Nigeria is abundantly great in vices, the same country expects to get solutions to her challenges.

It’s disgraceful n a shame to rediscover that Nigeria is abundantly great in vices, the same country expects to get solutions to her challenges. It’s impossible. It’s never done. If Nigerians don’t develop the mantra to appreciate good works n adopt her good works, this country is dead n forgotten. Am an apostle of virtues, positive leadership virtues. And these virtues Owelle had distinguishably confirmed to be a true Nigerian unifier. Even the political blind man knows Owelle deserves this applause of “well done” with more jobs. Indeed, this is the time for self~elimination or self~recovery narratives by Nigerians for Nigeria.



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