Donate to support our campaign against rejected refugees in detentions
Fighting deportation in Canada is not an easy task for those rejected refugees and asylum seekers, specially waking up every day knowing that they could be apprehended at any time and send back to be tortured at the hands of their agents of persecution, They are many of them now in various detention right now, for the facts that their application for refugee and asylums has been rejected by the authority,
They do not have any recourse to the legal system because of their lack of legal status in the country,
They do not have money to pay legal fee to their lawyers, no family assistance whatsoever, no access to government fund to pay their legal statutory fee, no money to make calls to their separated loved ones,
Note, the human rights meaning is based on the rights of freedom which is an ideal for recognition of the international human rights law,
The legal norms in line with the regulations as guaranteed by the rights of human, Consequently to the 1966 international covenant on civil and political rights and the international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights, along with the universal decoration of human rights that formed the international bill of human rights,
The bill which set up the civil, cultural, economic and political rights, which is the basic fundamental birthrights of human being that applies to everyone everywhere,
Ekens Foundation goal is to assure the basic human rights in support of their humanitarian responses together to reduce the level of world poverty and injustice based on lack of interest to seek for justice by folks during their human rights violations by those supposed to protect them,
While we help to strengthen the role of civil society in the following objectives: human rights advocacy, police and police welfare reforms, prison and immigration reforms,
International research and recommendations, conflict negotiation and the international treaties on human rights regarding to refugees and asylum seekers,
Resolution of rights, political mobilization, and last minutes justice on across-border justice including gender quality.